Test za angleščino v zdravstvu

1/Pre-operative procedure (kar veš, tvoje izkušnje)

Preoperative care refers to health care provided before a surgical operation. The aim of preoperative care is to do whatever is right to increase the success of the surgery. Immediately before surgery the person’s body is prepared, perhaps by washing with an antiseptic, and whenever possible their anxiety is addressed to make them comfortable.


2/Describe (po svoje napišeš)

Intravenous infusions – Drug administration through the intravenous route at a constant rate over a determined time interval.

Intravenous is a term that means »into the vein«. Intravenous medication administration occurs when a needle is inserted into a vein and medication is administered through that needle. The needle is usually placed in a vein near the elbow, the wrist or on the back of the hand. Different sites can be used if necessary.

3/A Translate

Two weeks ago the patient was admitted to this ward to have an assessment of his circulation and to monitor his wound management. He had the Doppler test done last week which indicated poor blood circulation in his lower legs. He is also been spiking temperatures and the surrounding skin of the wound has become quite reddened. We sent a wound swab off, and we just got results yesterday. He is growing a few bugs. The patient has been having a rough time with his leg wound. It would be better to use a different type of dressing methode.


Pred dvema tednoma je pacient prišel na pregled rane in cirkulacije krvi. Prejšni teden je naredil Dopplerjev test, s katerim je ugotovil, da ima slabo cirkulacijo spodnjega dela uda. Imel je tudi visoko temperaturo in koža okoli rane je postala malce rdeča. Poslali smo vzorec rane in včeraj smo dobili rezultate. Pacientu se širi okužba rane na nogi. Pacient je imel težke čase za sabo zaradi rane. Boljše bi bilo oz. mu priporočamo, da uporablja druge vrste oblačil.

3/8 Say in english:

Videti je kot infekcija – It looks like an infection.

Medicinska sestra v operacijski sobi – Nurse is in operating room

Dvakratna kontrola –  Double check

Presnova zdravila – Drug metabolism

Zamašitev arterije – Clogged arteries

4/A Write the abbreviations with full words and translate them into slovene

Pt = Physical therapy – fizioterapija

BSL = blood sugar level – raven glukoze v krvi

Uti = Urinary tract infection – okužba sečil

DVT = Deep vein thrombosis – globoka venska tromboza

CXR = Chest X-ray – rentgensko slikanje prsnega koša

4/B/Write other words for:

Macerated – softening by soaking in a liquid

Oedema – or edema is the medical term for fluid retention in the body

Necrosis – death of cells through injury or disease.

Erythema – redness of the skin caused by dilatation and congestion of the capillaries

Infiltration – the gas, fluid, or dissolved matter that has entered any substance, cell or tissue.

5/ Fill in the gaps with the appropriate verb forms (primeri)

How often ………do you get your…………………….tablets?

What about food? Is there any other food that ……you can take out…………….with you?

I didnt realise that Gary was in hospital. If id known, I………would visit him……………… .

Mary wasnt very happy in her new job at first but she……is now trying…………to enjoy it.

I havent seen our neighbours for ages. They must……have been working day and night…. .

How did you cut your knee? I slipped and fell when I……was playing the……………tennis.

Its a difficult question. If I…….. knew the…….answer, I…….would tell……..you.

Did you enjoy your holiday? Yes it was the best holiday I …..have ever had…………… .

Im sorry to keep you waiting.  ……Did you wait too………………. long?

Margaret ………went……………….……to work yesterday. She wasnt feeling well.


6/ Complete the sentences (primeri)

Who would you phone if …you would be bleeding to death…………….?

I want to see her before she…………goes…………………….. out.

You will not recognise him when …..he will come back from Africa…………….. .

The phone is ringing. It……could be…………………be Tom.

They would be upset if……I would ruin their New Years eve party……… .

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