Angleščina lekcije vaja za izpit

bolnica-bolnisnica-bolnca1. HEALTH

health is “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”,

We are ill, if we don’t feel well.

Sicknes is more specific than illness (sleeping, travel….)

Recovery: when we turn to normal health condition


We have got five senses and with those senses we can smell, taste, sight,hear and touch.

If we loose the sense of tuoch it is called numbness.

Verb: Speak………………………Noun: speach

Breath in…………………………..breath




Proctitioners are doctors. They must be qualifed to do their job, meaning they must have their university degree in medicine  and they must be registired. SPECIALISTS works in hospitals but they can also provide privat health care.

CLINICIANS are doctors who treats patients


People who works in any type of workplace are called stuff.

**NURSES: Nurses works in   hospitals and have following grades:

a) student nurse: still training

b) staff nurse: completed training course

c) charge nurse: experinced nurse and  in charge of  department

d) nurse manager: A nurse who is in charge of several wards

Nurses can specialize and become:

a) midwifes:pregnancy and childhood

b) district nurses: visit patients at their home

c) health visitors

Nurses main roles are: taking care of a patient, checking temperature, pulse rates, blood pressure,giving injections, remove sutures…

CLINICAL SUPPORT WORKERS:they had done a short course and obtained basic qualificitations.


Physiotheraphists, ocupational th., Social workers, chiropodists (community health), technicians (x-ray), prosthetists and orthotists (artificial limbs ), opticians..


A hospital is an institution for health care providing patient treatment by specialized staff and equipment, and often but not always providing for longer-term patient stays.General hospitals are dealing with all types of patients and illness. Hospital includes many different departments like intensive  care or surgycal high dependency unit.Outpatiens-are people who came to atend a clinic or to have some tests and they return home on the same dayInpatient-stays in hospital for more then one day.


is provided by general practitioners (family doctors, nurses, dentists, …)But when pacient need specilaists care a GP will refer patient to a consultant in a secondary care.


Simptoms are what patient reports to a doctor.

Sign is what doctor finds while examing a patient.


The simpliest test in a  blood investigation are measuring the amount of Hb, E, L; T, SR, ..


Our body is also made of bones and they cen be broken just like some other things around us. A brake in a bone is called a fracture and it can be healed. We can prevent movement of a broken bone with a fictation –external or internal. Types of fractures are: gremstick, complicated, displaced, open,..


is a period in our lives and a time, when it ends  child enters in a second period of his live called puberty.Common diseases are : measels, rubella, chickenpox, mumps…

12. TYPES OF SKIN LESION, rashes, injuries

Skin lesion is discolored, abnormal skin tisue (spots, scars, birtmarks,scabs…) but in medical terms they are known as maculas, papules, nodules, vesicles…

A)Rashes-are multiplied lesions ans it has got its own eruption and breakout (rubella)

b)Injuries-mehanical injuries can be devided by a blunt force( a contusion) or a sharp force(wounds-incised, stabed..)


is an abnormal growth of a new tissue. It can be Benign (it can be heald) or Malignant( causes death becouse it can metastasided-invade local tissue.)


is caused by living microorganisms-viruses and bacteria. Many of them are sensitive to antibiotics and most injections are curable. It can originate from patient or outside sources.


A date when a woman is expected to give birth to a child is called The expected day of delivery. A prosess the fetus is pushed out of the uterus is called – a labour.

16. PRESCRIPTIONS and drugs

When doctor prescribe a medication is also a part of a treatment. Patients gets their medication at the chemist`s shop. Drugs can be all kinds of different shapes and forms.

En odziv na “Angleščina lekcije vaja za izpit”

  1. nekaj popravkov:
    – sickness
    – five senses: we can hear, see, touch, and taste
    – to hear (slišati), hearing (sluh)
    – to see (videti), sight (vid)
    – to touch (otipati), touch (dotik)
    – to smell (vohati), smell (voh)
    – general practitioner / GP / doctor
    – a midwife / midwives
    – in tako naprej …..

    fajn se mejte :)

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